We all know how annoying it can be when you get a pop-up asking if you’d like to update it or worse still, your system starts to update itself. The general tendency is to put it off until the next time you log onto your device when you put it off again. We have all experienced it at some point or another when we are on that important call or have to reply to an urgent email and decide a system update is just not worth the time. But, did you know that it is important to update your computer’s operating system in a timely manner? And that’s not just for your computer, the same applies to your mobile phones, iPads, and other tablets too. In fact, there are updates for various software programs and apps that should be installed too.

System and application vendors such as Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, etc., release security updates and patches almost every month, and sometimes, several times during a month.

What are the benefits of installing these patches/system updates?

Safety and security of your data

Cybercriminals are constantly on the lookout to exploit any weakness that software programs may have, to gain entry into your IT network or system. Vendors, on the other hand, have teams that are constantly on the lookout for such weaknesses and work on developing security patches that plug these gaps, so your device/network remains safe and secure. Skipping system/software updates can make you vulnerable to cyber-attacks and compromise on the safety and security of your data.

Ensures your device is working at its best

Apart from the security patches, there may also be bug fixes and enhancements that may be released as a part of the software/system update. Not installing bug fixes and enhancements means your device won’t be performing at its optimal level and may crash or slow things down. It may also result incompatibility issues when it comes to other programs or applications.

As a business, it can be difficult to keep up with software updates, security patches, and upgrades, and implement it across your entire organization. Having a service level agreement with an MSP will ensure that all your business devices are updated, patched, and secure.

How can Xterra help my business?

Xterra has developed the people, process, and technology to deliver white glove IT services for a fraction of the cost of hiring a full-time staff. We are focused on helping San Francisco Bay Area clients accelerate their adoption of technology solutions to create measurable business value. If you are interested in learning more about how Xterra can help your business, schedule a free consultation.