I spent a lot of my career doing precisely this, building out service desks for many organizations. So building out a service organization in San Francisco was an exciting proposition.
And we felt like we had the unique skills to be able to bring that to this market. So Xterra has both a fully managed I.T. solution and a co-managed I.T. solution.
And the idea behind fully managed and co-managed is that in either case, it’s still the same core right so we can provide you the full stack I.T. services.
But if you have somebody in your organization that’s 19 professionals, what allows you to take that it professional and move them up the stack. So they can take on more complex projects. More complex compliance issues handle the internal component of the I.T. in your environment. And what we can do is provide them the freedom to be able to develop those skills and to move up the chain.
Xterra’s best value is providing four primary outcomes to our clients.
One is reducing risk. The second is controlling costs. The third is increasing revenue. And the fourth is fostering innovation for reducing risk.
Working in today’s technology environment is inherently risky. Everyone’s getting attacked in some way. And the idea behind Xterra is that. We can help you transfer that risk to us in part, but also for the stuff that doesn’t transfer. So we can help you understand and mitigate the risk in your internal organization.
In terms of revenue growth, one of the main things we do at Xterra is sit down with the business owners and have a frank conversation with them about their business.
We can help you go through and make sure that the technology-based stack of what you’re using is stable enough for your employees to be productive all of the time.
One of our guarantees is that if you’re fully on our recommended stack, Which we call Xterra a business optimization system or expert, O.S. Xterra helps companies foster the innovation they have internally.
But to get innovation, you need to use technology in and creative manner and make sure that people can communicate well, collaborate, and not fight with each other on their technology.
So I’m confident about Xterra because we’ve spent the last decade honing and refining our service to the community. On the 100 percent money-back guarantee. We understand that joining a new MSP or making an agreement with Xterra that’s a significant proposition.
You know, it’s not a light thing to outsource a relatively large component of your business like technology, which today is like the lifeblood of businesses, right? But, on the other hand, we found that people who work with Xterra like if you’re with us for a while, do a little project, and have some interaction with us.
Fortunately, in going through our onboarding process, we’ve never had to trigger the money-back guarantee. Because when people join Xterra, they typically really enjoy the process and continue as clients after that.
Our next steps with us are easy.
So give us a call. We’ll set up a 30-minute consultation. We’ll talk a bit about what your business does, what your technology stack looks like, and what are pain points are.
Give us an idea of what you are experiencing in technology. Typically, most people come to us and have some trouble condition, right?
But it is going through and making sure that there’s a good match. Then, if it is a fit, we will typically go to the next step and quickly assess your environment, just so that we understand kind of where you’re at and get an idea of where your technology stack is.
After that, we’ll have a presentation. Then, talk to you a little bit more about our services.
Maybe present it to the executive team at your company and then go through and then we’ll provide a detailed proposal to you.
And then, really, the walls in your court, you decide whether or not to go forward with this, and hopefully, you do.